An Instagram Campaign that Spreads Body Positivity
This is a social media campaign group project for the course COM 2116 - Audience Analytics and Media Strategies. The campaign was designated to address people’s insecruity about their bodies and raise people’s awareness to fight against the “perfect body“ illusion on social media.
Role in the project: Group leader, strategic planner
The Posts Planning Table
Planning Ahead
Before kickstarting the campaign, we identified our target audience as women aged between 18 to 35 with awareness of self-care and general well-being.
We got every post strategically planned ahead. We carefully selected our content based on the demographic and psychographic features of our target audience and arranged different media types to diversify our content. We also encouraged the audience to actively interact with us to provide a better experience while getting to know our followers better.
This is an ongoing campaign for the course COM3107 Fundamentals of Persuasive Communication. The campaign intends to provoke people’s awareness to take actions to pretend land pollution with the help of persuasive knowledge. My role in this project was the image editor and logo designer, and the image shown was an edited work using Photoshop.
The image shows a flower with a gas mask in front of a dumping area, and the gray smoke behind showed the foulness of the whole scene. We adopted the emotional appeal approach so that the viewers can feel the damage caused to these plants’ lives by the deterioration of the earth's land surfaces. We also believe that by triggering their sympathy with the plants, the viewers will be inspired to take further actions to prevent this scene from happening.
The Logo for the Campaign with Slogan
Logo Design
The logo design has adopted the metaphors method to attract viewers’ attention and convey our ideologies. A heart shape consisting of two forms of leaves was integrated into an electrocardiogram, which established a subtle connection between humans and other creatures by symbolizing the lives of plants through the perception of the heartbeat. We hope that viewers can immediately get the idea of protecting those creatures living on land after seeing our logo and have the awareness to take relevant actions by reading our slogan underneath, “We protect our land.”